Writer’s Associations and Organizations

// By Lily Halstrom

Writer’s Associations, formal Writer’s Organizations, Writer’s Unions and Collectives are some of the most powerful resources at our disposal.

Here at Storiad, we pride ourselves on not just being a powerful marketing tool, but also an informational resource for our members. In keeping with that, here is a sample of the kind of organizational contact information that exists in our contact database.

Almost 50,000 contacts and growing, with writing organizations and Associations having a section all their own.

Writers Associations: Organizations For Writers Of Fiction (Novels, Stories, Books)

American Christian Fiction Writers — A writers association for writers of Christian novels and stories.

Historical Novel Society — A great association of writers of historical fiction. Offers community, networking opportunities (agents, editors, publishers, booksellers), and more.

Novelists, Inc. — A professional writers organization for multi-published book authors.

Mystery Writers Of America — An organization for writers of mystery novels, as well as editors, screenwriters, and other professionals associated with the mystery genre.

Romance Writers Of America — The trade organization for writers of romantic fiction.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America — SFWA offers many resources for writers of speculative genres. A very vibrant and active writers association.

Sisters In Crime — A writers organization dedicated to the professional advancement of women who write in the crime and mystery genres.

Western Writers Of America — A writers association for authors whose work focuses on the American West.

Welcome To The NEA: Or, How To Get Money For Writing Stuff — One of the most consistently magnanimous supporters of the arts in America is the National Endowment for the Arts, which has numerous—and generous—grants available in all areas of the arts, including literature. Learn more about the NEA.

Women’s Fiction Writers Association — An inclusive organization of writers creating layered stories in which the plot is driven by the main character’s emotional journey.

Nonfiction Writers Associations And Organizations

American Society Of Journalists And Authors (ASJA) — For independent nonfiction writers and freelancers.

Asian American Journalists Association — A writers organization for new and veteran journalists who are Asian Pacific Americans.

National Association Of Memoir Writers — For writers of all levels who are writing memoir, personal essays, and nonfiction.

Native American Journalists Association — A writing organization for Native American journalism. Offers many opportunities for professional advancement.

Nonfiction Authors Association — Their primary focus is helping their members with educational resources and community support for marketing nonfiction books.

Poetry: Organizations For Poets

Poetry Society Of America — An association of writers who love poetry in all forms. Welcomes published and unpublished poets.

Academy Of American Poets — Regularly sponsors national poetry events and poetry publications in order to advocate poetry. Membership dues for this writing association help pay for programs.

Writers Associations: General And Specific Interests

Association of Writers And Writing Programs — For writers and teachers affiliated with college and university writing programs.

Authors Guild — A professional organization for writers, great for keeping up with the changing face of the publishing industry and issues related to copyright protection.

The Catholic Writers Guild — For writers of all kinds who share the Catholic faith.

Cat Writers Association — A community for writers who specialize in cats.

Dog Writers Association of America —A community for writers who specialize in dogs.

Erotica Readers And Writers — An association of writers and readers of erotic writing.

Islamic Writers Alliance — Members include “published and aspiring writers, editors, artists, publishers, journalists, playwrights, Web designers, retailers, and marketing consultants.”

The National Writers Union — A freelance writers union for authors in all genres: This group is a trade organization that advocates for the rights of authors.

International Association For Journal Writing — A writers association that focuses on journaling and creative expression.

International Women’s Writing Guild — An association of women writers developed for networking and offering mutual support.

Military Writers Society Of America — An organization for writers, poets, and artists who focus on military service. Encourages memoir writing, writing as therapy, and education about publishing.

National Association Of Independent Writers And Editors — From the website: This writers association includes “novelists, copywriters and copyeditors, writing coaches, proofreaders, magazine writers, writing teachers, business writers and editors, academic writing evaluators, writers of literature for children, fiction editors and other specialists.”

National Writers Association — A writers association for all levels and genres that offers some professional services, such as contract review and critique.

Pacific Northwest Writers Association — A Northwest writers association “to develop the writing talent through education, accessibility to the publishing industry, and participation in an interactive, vital writer community.”

PEN America Center — An organization with global reach that defends the right to expression through the written word.

Small Publishers, Artists, And Writers Network — (SPAWN) An inclusive writers group for independent-minded writers, publishers, printers, and members of the media.

Society of Children’s Book Writers And Illustrators — An association for writers of books for children.

Texas Association Of Authors — The only organization in Texas whose focus is to promote the authors within the great state of Texas itself. Texas Authors leverages the knowledge and expertise of many different authors to help promote others within the world of reading and writing.

Women’s National Book Association — A national organization of women and men who work with and value books.

Writers Guild Of America — Two writers organizations (east and west) that represent writers in motion pictures, broadcasting, and other media.

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